Friday 25 September 2015

Main task initial ideas Mind Map

Here is our final mind map of all the genres that is possible for us to do. However after a short discussion we decided to get rid os some genres.

The genres that we decided to get rid of were; Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Western and Horror. The reason for this is because these film genres require high budgets and this will be hard to achieve as our budget is much lower and we can't afford expensive effects or going to foreign countries to film. So all these genres had to go because of this problem and most of them on the other hand could not do a good job to the task brief as it was the opening to a film.

The other genre that we got rid of was Comedy, this was because it could be hard to choose and that Comedy had different forms which would be hard to choose from. The other problem is that you would need a sub genre and this can take long to choose and integrate which could be hard to do.

Romance didn't feel appropriate and looked hard to do because we don't know a lot about the genre and the settings are typically luxurious settings which we cannot replicate.

The final genre that we decided to get rid of was Action. The budget requirement would be too much and the effects would probably look out of place and unprofessional. Also, we would probably end up using a lot of action film cliches which would be hard to avoid.

The final three genres that we narrowed our choices down to were the following;

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Main Task Brief

Main Task Brief: The titles and opening of an new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s). with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright free source.

Monday 14 September 2015

AS Media Getting use to final cut pro

Here you can see we are getting to grips with some of the tools of Final cut pro
Here we have discovered the blade tool which allows you to cut the videos and elite the big hunks you don't need.

On this print screen I have discovered how you can detach an audio file from a video clip so the music or other music file cannot be disturbed.

This took a lot of time for me and Harry to learn because we were trying different function buttons above the tabs and we realised that if you double click the audio file detaches.

On this print screen we we decided that we wanted an introduction the the institution of the media clip and the actors names.

This was really easy for us to find because when you selected the moment of the clip and then click
T sign then it gives you options to put in text.

On the print screen below we had new material to edit and add to the clip but the first time the teacher uploaded it automatically but because I have used similar programmes like movie editor i knew there should be a simple tool of uploading the clips.

In one of our clips we wanted a CCTV camera view and we clicked film clip picture and it gave a lot of options and we experimented with a different clip and we decided that this looked good.

This is a print screen of me and Harry finding the security edit.

The editing tool was easy to find and create as you can zoom in the corner to the moment.

This is a print screen of a zoomed view of how you edit a clip.

Friday 11 September 2015

AS Media Storyboard for preliminary task

Here is our first attempt to our story board and already you can see that we were trying to be creative with my idea of starting off with a locker shot.

We both thought it would be creative to start the task like this.

As this was the start we had a lot of discussions on what else we can do.

After the locker decision me and Harry talked about how we can proceed after this creative shot.

Later on we decided that the production name should be intercede before the locker opens.

We knew there would be a lot of editing attempts for the company name effect but we knew it would look professional.

We also decided that we should film in the corridor but we knew this could be boring so it could spark it up by having the match on action shot.

As we filmed we realised how boring it sounded as well so we put some music that went well with the theme of the video.

On this image it shows our final first page of our storyboard and as you can see we added another block and filmed.

The special effect that we have added is camera mode which makes it look like it is a view of a CCTV camera.

By doing this it adds suspense and questions and adds the drama with the music.

This image was taken on the next lesson where we are planning more on what we can film.

we decided at start that we should start to end the music and introduce something new.

We decided that we should continue with him walking and start to lower the volume of the music.

When it cuts to the next scene it has stopped and then a text message sound to alert the audience.

The next lesson after adding some additions to the research and filming we completed the second page of our story board

When we had the idea of a text Harry had an idea of having it in a point of view shot which makes the audience feel part of the movie

Reading a text in a point of view shot made the audience feel superior and have an access to someone privacy.

The shot reverse shot for the door was a popular choice by our research.

We needed a shot of someone crossing a room and after just entering a room this felt right.

The hand shot adds tension because we don't get to see who (Matthew) is going to be talking to but we know it is The Boss.

The shot reverse shot was best during a conversation according to my research.

However on the sketches it shows a table but we used a drum kit to slit the character distances

This made it more creative and asked questions.

We added humour of a sudden reaction so the audience get entertained and short talk to make it sound discreet and professional.

The sudden beat sounded better with a drum and made it logical.

The final storyboard is just one slot and the third page where it just shows Matthew leaving the room and some comedy as the Boss is stressed with his capabilities.

Thursday 10 September 2015

AS Media Research for preliminary task

Murat Akpunar AS MEDIA Research for Preliminary Task
Here is a print screen of me researching the 180 degree rule so I know that I am following the rules when filming.

As you can see here I am researching the match on action rules and how it is done.

The shot reverse shot was quite a hard rule to follow
This shot requires consistency and I felt I had to research it more

Here is a bit more research on the shot reverse shot and what I found out.

Here is more research on the 180 degree rule and I found out tips on how to challenge this.

All this research was to find out what we needed to do before the filming and know if we are doing it properly.