Friday 6 November 2015

Copyright and legislation

One of the main issues surrounding the main of a film is the copyright issues. This is areas like the music used and who owns the rights. The most important one is the music, this is because through a film a lot of music is used and to actually find a song or track can take time. Especially when you have spent a lot of time finding the perfect track and then not being allowed to use this as the studio or owner refuses you access. Obviously you then cannot use this as you will then be taken to court. Films with high budgets and film studios are commonly seen using pieces of music that is popular and from a more popular artist. For example Fast and Furious seven has artists like Wiz Khalifa but a film like Plastic will have music from artists that are less popular, because they don't have staff and money that are able to hold talks and deals for this. Our film will have music and we are planning to use music from Arctic Monkeys. For this we will need to contact the studio that has the rights to their music and message them to say if we can use the music we want. We will not have an issue because we are doing this for our education and not for a profitable aim. If it was going to be for a profit we probably would be denied because the studio wants their music to be in stronger, well known and potentially stronger films so that they can be represented foreign in films that have had good ratings and views.

Another issue that there is for copyright is who actually owns the rights for films. The law says that if a film has been made after 1994 then it is owned by the author or otherwise known as the director. The film The Wolf Of Wall Street is technically owned by Martin Scorsese. Our film will be directed by Murat Akpunar. So technically it will be owned by him. However they both work in a partnership with Harry Johnston so this means that Harry and Murat will own the rights to the film equally.

A legal responsibility issue that effects film makers is who they can film and where. this is because for example if it is in a town centre people in the town could refuse that they donut want to be filmed and this can make things tricky and waste time. For this they can recruit ammeter models and actors to be in the shot and act what they need to do without facing the legal issue of consent of filming. Our film will be filmed in a town centre and train station. These are areas that are heavily denied with people. But we have planned that people will not be recognises in our film as they will be in the distance. This will stop any filming consent issues. Filming in a trains station will be difficult for us as we are showing that we are carrying drugs. So before filming we contacted the local council for our filming and they have accepted us to film which gives us the right to film at this location. We had to keep it in a small place otherwise it would of been harder to gain access. However bigger film companies will gain access because they have more staff that will be able to control the situation and prevent less accidents.

Censorship is a big issue for directors and film investors. Britain has a negative view of freedom of speech and this can effect the aims of a film. In our film we do have aims to have scenarios of prejudice and swearing that may cause offence but we will address the audience that this has been done for entertainment purposes and not to cause any harm. The people that control censorship in the UK is the government and the laws that are passed. One incident that effected censorship in our film that could of effected our is that in 2004 the film Black Friday was released in cinemas in the UK, however the scene where there is cockfighting is deleted as it goes against cruelty. We were planning to use animals in our film mistreated but cancelled this as it would be very hard to do and many viewers can be offended. Overall censorship is controlled by government and laws that are passed by, also groups that oppose a certain viewing or treatment of something like how violence is portrayed in a film etc.

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