Friday 22 January 2016

Evaluation Question 7

One of the ways we have improved our work since the preliminary is our editing skills. For example, we got better at matching what was going on screen with the music. This is apparent within both our main task and our trailer. In our main film, we made sure to line up the title cards with the music. The music was, we feel, an integral part of our film, so making sure the titles cards lined up perfectly with the music was important and we achieved this.

Overall our skills have improved vastly since the preliminary, but the preliminary gave us the knowledge to be able to go on and make our full film and the trailer.

One specific example of how our skills have improved can be seen by comparing our preliminary task to our final task. For example, we improved in the sense that we got better at matching the action on screen to the music. In our preliminary, we tried to match the song to the closing locker at the start, and whilst it was fairly successful, we were much better at it in our main task, and the timing of the title cards with the music is impeccable; this was a vital part of our opening.

It is clear than we improved our continuity because looking back at our preliminary, there are subtle mistakes, such as a camera bag being in the background of a shot or locker doors being open in one shot and not in the next. We tried to rectify these mistakes in our main task which is why there are no camera bags in sight. We even went to the extent of asking people to leave sections of the train station so we could film there and not have to worry about them being in one shot and not the next. We also timed our filming schedule to be when there would be the fewest number of people at the station to try and bolster our chances of having good continuity within the film. Below is a print screen of our preliminary task; it shows the camera bag to the left hand side of the screen which should not be there.

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